Psalm 12: The Mirror

Sitting here before a mirror
I to you draw ever nearer.
For in the looking glass I see
The man who you want me to be
The man who loves your words of gold
His life in you so ever bold.
You love the lips that speak the truth
And feet that follow you from youth.
You love the hands that feed the poor
And house the needy evermore.

But oft’ the face I see look back
Reveals the love that heart doth lack—
A soul that only loves the Word
And sounds of tinkling brass it’s heard.
A soul that stays inside its room
And lives within a verbal tomb.
Its words have buried love so deep
That oft’ your laws it doesn’t keep.
It speaks of love to other men
But lives within a selfish den.

Lord, break the glass, or break the soul
That lives in such a lonely hole.
Oh, free this man from chains that bind
And keeps him living in his mind
With mental chains that bind his wrists
And tighten grip of his clenched fists.
Let the mirror show to this man
That loving others is your plan.
Your words through glass it should reveal
How every soul your love will heal.

This poem is taken from my book A New Song, (Westbow Press, 2016) and can be found online HERE.

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