The Hidden Tune: Psalm 108

Though battles rage and foes surround,
Deep in my heart there is a sound.

A single note that’s barely heard
That grows in strength fed by your Word.

The note rings clear throughout my soul
When I am broken or am whole.

At times this note I barely hear.
At times this note I hold so dear.

But there are times this note I hide,
Held in a prison deep inside.

In lonely cage it barely rings,
Reminding me that I should sing.

Yet in those times there barges in
A symphony outside my skin

With notes of glory over all,
With notes that make the little tall.

These notes oft’ tear the cage apart
And free the song within my heart.

They move my lips in joyous song,
A song of love heard by earth’s throng.

Yet there are times my heart is weak,
And bare comes from me a little squeak.

I mute the song you’ve brought from me
And then am silent as can be.

Lord, keep my heart from these foul moods
When I am silent, sit, and brood.

And when I mute my one true voice,
The only way I can rejoice

To sing of your great steadfast love
That faithfully comes from above.

This song is why you did me make.
So Lord, my dead soul please awake.

The prison doors in me break down
So I can then sing of your crown.

A song in me formed by your hands
To far be heard throughout the land.

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