The title of my first book, and to date my only book, A New Song, (Westbow Press, 2016), is based on the Psalm’s call to sing a new song unto the Lord. While we often think this refers to singing the Psalms, I suggest that is not the scripture’s only, or even primary intention. We are created in God’s image and as such are all called to create our own new songs in response to both God’s word and God’s work.
A New Song is both a devotional and a guidebook. As a devotional, A New Song offers a glimpse into my own multi-year journey through the Psalms which resulted in the writing of over 170 poems written as a response to each psalm. Prayerfully reading each psalm before reading each associated poem may help you consider the ways in which God might be speaking to you. As a guidebook, I hope my work in A New Song encourages you to exercise your own creative voice as you spend time with God and learn to sing A New Song unto the Lord.
A New Song is available for purchase in hardcover, softcover, and e-book at Westbow Press, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobles.
However, if you would like to save yourself some money, I’ve included a table of contents with links to the full text of the book below. Most of the content posted below is the same as can be found in the purchased text published in 2016, but, since first writing the book I have made some slight changes to some of the prose and the poetry found in A New Song.
I trust you find the content, whether purchased or pursued, to be beneficial to your relationship with the Father.