The battle rages ev’ry day,
My thoughts consumed in ev’ry way.
Which way is right? Help me, I pray.
Lord, will my choice be hell to pay?
Your words were given long ago,
The straightened paths for me to know,
But as I read and study so,
My dark desire stronger grows.
Do I hide beneath desire,
Giving into deepest fire?
Can you make my sin retire,
Pulling me from filthy mire?
I’ll lose my friends and comfort sure
If to this path my feet inure
While reaching for the sweet allure.
Will such a choice then hell secure?
I read your Word and turn the page,
Your laws and precepts do not age,
Yet still inside me sin does rage.
Please break me from my nature’s cage.
Will you your goodness in me plow?
Then verdant plants will you allow
To crowd the thistles that stand now
That once were on your bloody brow?
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