Finding Home: Psalm 62

Often, Lord, I’ve said to you
To others and myself, ’tis true
Only rest I in your power
Every day and every hour.

Often, Lord, I bend my knee
And offer up my all to thee,
I say the words you want to hear,
“Lord, you are all that I hold dear.”

Often, Lord, I’ve given time
And riches for the sons of thine,
My treasures, talents giv’n away,
Toiled for you a long hard day.

But deep inside I trust you not,
I trust in riches that will rot
I trust the power of the mind
And all position I can find.

I’ve built my house on sinking sand,
Then mourn for tumult in my land.
Down low I sink in deep despair
When my foundations turn to air.

Now take my life and tear it down
And build it new in holy town,
A town that rests on solid rock,
You’ve with your blood built block by block.

Build house anew with strong walls straight
And in it, Lord, teach me to wait,
To wait on you when storms are strong
And not for selfish power long.

Lord, never let me stay again
In house I’ve built with selfish sin,
But keep my feet in fortress sure
Where found is your salvation pure.

1 comment

  1. L

    Amen!!! Love this!!

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