Songs of Ascent: A Summary

Psalm 120 – 134

While each of these psalms can be read on their own, they are meant to be read together. The following table provides a brief summary of each psalm which may help you see how each of these Songs of Ascent is an individual step along a longer path. Take the time, if you will, to read all of them together and I believe you will understand why they are called Songs of Ascent as they lead us from the depths of despair and oppression (120) all the way into the very presence of God (134).

Psalm #Psalm summary
Psalm 120We begin in exile and oppression.
Psalm 121We look up from the pit and recognize the LORD our God as our only source of help.
Psalm 122We rejoice with those who know our journey ends at the LORD’s house in Jerusalem.
Psalm 123We lift our eyes to the LORD and plea for his mercy to relieve us of our trials.
Psalm 124We praise the LORD for keeping us from total destruction while in our suffering.
Psalm 125The LORD will protect and do good to those who trust in him.
Psalm 126We joyfully sang God’s praises for he has, and will, restore the fortunes of Israel.
Psalm 127Only the LORD can rebuild and repopulate the temple and the city.
Psalm 128The LORD will bless and prosper all those who wait on him.
Psalm 129The LORD has freed us and will pass judgment on our oppressors.
Psalm 130We wait for and place our hope in the LORD because he forgives our sins.
Psalm 131We must lose our prideful demand for answers and rest in the arms of the LORD.
Psalm 132LORD, remember your promise to make one of David’s sons a King forever.
Psalm 133It is good for God’s people to live in unity in the LORD’s new kingdom.
Psalm 134All of God’s servants sing his praises in the house of the LORD.

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