The Worst Enemy: Psalm 55

How simple my life seems to be
When in plain sight the enemy
Before me stands as evil man
Working out his wicked plan.

When I raise my sword and shield
Fight ensues, and soon he yields,
Then to his knees my foe falls down,
“The Lord’s strength!” a cry renown.

But not all foes will show their face
Some lurk and slink in darkened place,
Some walk beside me hand in hand,
Others live in inward land.

The foes of mine that creep about
Stab in the dark. Then I cry out.
I cry to him who sits on high.
Justice from him then will fly.

And of the foes once I called friend,
Faces shimmer at desert’s end.
Love’s oasis in soul’s dark wells.
Mouth of sand my parched soul fells.

But still the cuts that hurt the most
Come not from distant fleshy host.
Deadly foe resides much nearer,
Face that’s seen in the mirror.

My words and works of distant past
Builds scar on scar that long will last.
This flesh deformed is silent not,
Words accuse to my soul’s rot.

All of these foes in time will find
The hidden scars that slay my mind.
Their piercing swords scar flesh below,
Tender pain to searing grows.

There was a time when I stood tall,
I battled foes external all.
But in these wars that I now wage
I fall down and can’t engage.

Yet when these foes seek me to kill,
I hear a voice so small and still.
The soothing voice calls me to trust
In the Lord; to trust I must.

But him to trust I know not how
When under heavy blows I bow.
Yet turning weary head I see
His scarred palms there next to me.

And on his head a thorny crown,
A crimson trickle flowing down.
“I bear these blows so someday soon
With the Father we’ll commune.

For I was sent to be with you
So battles like these you’ll get through.
Now take my hand and then endure.
These wars end. My vict’rys sure.”

I know he’s always at my side.
In him my pains I can confide.
And though they’re times I see him not,
Crimson flow has freedom bought.

I know I’m weak, but you are strong,
So help me through these battles long.
And help me through my soul’s dark night
As you for me my battles fight.

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