His Great Work: Psalm 111

I praise you, Lord, for what you do.
Your hand’s great works are ever new—

The mountains high, the valleys low,
Your strength to man you ever show.

But grace you’ve poured out on my sins
Is where your greatest work begins.

For nature’s scars in time will mend,
But human scars have hellish end.

This heart of mine so prone to fall
Cannot its own sin e’er forestall.

In tiny space, in dark of night,
My sinful self begins its fight.

It reaches, grabs, expands its reign
Till soul is marred with wicked pain.

Scarred soul then animates my limbs,
And I in darkness ever swim.

I reach and grab for passion’s goal,
Corroded treasures tear my soul.

But life so marked by sinful brand
Is ever purged by crimson hand.

My scars the crimson hand will bear.
New life to me then it will share.

I praise you, Lord, for what you’ve done
Forever co-heir with your Son.

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