The Lord’s Prayer: Reflection I

The Lord’s Prayer with Emphasis Placed on

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

This first reflection shows the entire Lord’s Prayer as a litany of praise as we pray and meditate on the many ways in which the Father’s name — his nature and his character — is worthy of praise.

Your kingdom come, (on earth as it is in heaven). – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because you have chosen to establish your heavenly kingdom on earth so those who are part of this lost and dying world can become citizens of your heavenly kingdom.

Your will be done, (on earth as it is in heaven). – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because you sent your Son to earth to teach us your truths and the ways of your kingdom and then you empowered Jesus’s followers to continue his work by doing your will on earth as it is done in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because you daily provide your creation with everything needed: both physically and spiritually.

And forgive us our debts, – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because you have offered complete forgiveness for our sins through the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ.

As we also have forgiven our debtors. – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because, by your forgiveness of us, you have taught us the meaning of complete forgiveness and daily call us to be like you by offering complete forgiveness to others.

And lead us not into temptation, – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because you lead us along the path of righteousness and holiness that runs neither through nor near temptation.

But deliver us from evil. – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because only you have the power to deliver us from any and all evil whether it comes from earthly sources or from the mouth of the tempter, the devil.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. – Your name, Father, is great and worthy of praise because your kingdom is the only kingdom that will last forever, your power is the only power that will never weaken, and your glory is the only glory that will never fade. Amen.

1 comment

  1. L

    Wow, praying the Lord’s Prayer this way, line by line, reflecting on the other lines makes so much sense and deepens one’s (my) understanding of the prayer seeing it from each angle.

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