The Lord’s Prayer: Reflection III

The Lord’s Prayer with Emphasis Placed on

Your will be done (on earth as it is in heaven)

This third reflection on the Lord’s Prayer guides our thoughts as we seek to understand the Father’s will and directs our actions as we strive to follow the will of the Father.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. – We praise you, Father, because your will is good and perfect, rules in heaven, and will always come to pass. Instead of abandoning us to eternal death that comes as a result of our own evil will, your good and perfect will, rooted in eternity, sent your Son to earth so your lost children could be saved, purified, and reunited with you.

Your kingdom come, (on earth as it is in heaven). – We praise you, Father, that you are bringing your heavenly kingdom — a place where the angels, the Son, and the Spirit completely and without reservation follow your will — to earth to bless everyone who wholeheartedly and joyfully repents and follows your will.

Give us this day our daily bread, – We praise you, Father, that you would create a world that would amply provide for our daily material needs. We praise you Father that you would send your Son and Spirit to completely and without reserve meet all of our daily spiritual needs. We also pray that we, the citizens of your earthly kingdom, would be willing and active participants in following your will by being your hands and feet on earth meeting the daily material and spiritual needs of others.

And forgive us our debts, – We praise you, Father, that your will is to forgive us of all of our sins and the debts we owe you.

As we also have forgiven our debtors. – We pray, Father, for the strength and courage to follow your will and joyfully, without hesitation, offer forgiveness to any and all who have offended us or are in our debt.

And lead us not into temptation, – We praise you, Father, that your will does not lead us into temptation, sin, and death, rather, your will leads us to sanctification, holiness, and life. We pray for the strength and courage to follow your will and enter the narrow gate of sanctification and follow the difficult path of holiness.

But deliver us from evil. – We praise you, Father, that your will is truth and goodness. We pray for the courage to follow your will, the wisdom to identify evil, and the strength to, avoid, and reject any evil we encounter every day.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. – We praise you, Father, that you will your heavenly and earthly kingdoms to exist eternally in power and glory.

1 comment

  1. L

    Praying these prayers is a blessing

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