The Lord’s Prayer: Reflection IX

The Lord’s Prayer with Emphasis Placed on

But deliver us from evil.

This ninth reflection on the Lord’s Prayer focuses our thoughts on the truth that only the Father can deliver us from evil and the many ways it infiltrates our lives.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. – We praise you, Father, because you are the only one who can provide relief from evil and the consequences of evil. Be to us a refuge during these days of toil under the sun and a home for us when the days of this evil-laden life are finished.

Your kingdom come, (on earth as it is in heaven). – We pray, Father, that you would continually expand your kingdom on earth, providing for us a source of your good blessings and a taste of the coming heavenly perfection free from evil. Continue molding us into the image of your only begotten Son, so we might also become perfect citizens of your kingdom, desiring and choosing only that which is good.

Your will be done, (on earth as it is in heaven). – We pray, Father, that you would continue battling and overcoming evil in this world. Grant us a compliant heart that longs to follow your will here on earth in the same way your creation does in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, – Father, make our hearts grateful for your daily gifts of providence and keep us from the evil of pride and self-sufficiency. Use us, each day, to be your presence on earth that feeds those hungry for both physical and spiritual bread. Teach us to rely only on your bread of wisdom from heaven, rejecting the moldy crusts of human judgment.

And forgive us our debts, – Free us, Father, from the weight of our sin and the eternal consequences of living under the shadow of evil. Forgive our evil thoughts, words, and actions, and keep us from grieving you when we are silent or apathetic in the face of evil or in the sound of its voice.

As we also have forgiven our debtors. – Deliver us, Father, from our sinful tendency to do that which is evil in your sight when we rest in your forgiveness without forgiving others their debts to us. Grant us the same loving heart that you have so we would seek out those who need forgiveness instead of waiting for them to come to us.

And lead us not into temptation, – Free us, Father, from the fear of consequences and instill in our hearts a hatred of sin and evil. Transform us so we are drawn toward your goodness and holiness instead of being worried about being caught in sin or actively indulging in temptation.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. – Keep us, Father, from despair as this world of darkness grows darker. Renew in us a confident hope that your eternally powerful, and glorious kingdom will overcome all darkness, delivering your followers from the forces of evil and into your good and holy kingdom forever.

1 comment

  1. L

    “Transform us so we are drawn toward your goodness and holiness instead of being worried about being caught in sin or actively indulging in temptation.” Instill in us the fear of the LORD.

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