The Lord’s Prayer: Reflection VII

The Lord’s Prayer with Emphasis Placed on

As we ourselves also have forgiven our debtors.”

This seventh reflection on the Lord’s Prayer shifts our focus to the forgiveness we offer others in the light of the Father’s immeasurable love shown to us through his forgiveness of our sins.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. – We praise you, Father, for the unwarranted gift of forgiveness you offer us and pray that you would grant us the strength to glorify your name by showing the same love to others by offering them forgiveness, whether we think it is merited or unmerited.

Your kingdom come, (on earth as it is in heaven). – Establish and grow your kingdom on earth, Father, through the gifts of forgiveness your citizens offer to fellow citizens as well as those who are presently living outside of your kingdom.

Your will be done, (on earth as it is in heaven). – Open our eyes to your will for our lives as we practice your presence on earth by granting forgiveness to any who are indebted to us.

Give us this day our daily bread, – Grant us the strength and courage to not accept your daily provision unless and until we have offered forgiveness to any and all who are indebted to us.

And forgive us our debts, – Open our eyes to see that your act of forgiveness must transform and renew our minds, and open our hearts so we would freely and lovingly offer forgiveness to others before we seek your forgiveness.

And lead us not into temptation, – Help us avoid the temptations of pride and spite by showing us each and every person before whom we must humble ourselves and freely offer forgiveness, thereby releasing them from the grip of guilt and shame.

But deliver us from evil. – Father, protect us from thinking, believing, preaching, and acting as if the individual believer is more important than the community of your followers, the body of Christ. Help us see that the forgiveness we receive from you is not more important than the forgiveness we offer one another.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. – Father, the experience of your power and the sight of your glory are only available to us because of the forgiveness you offer. Grant us the strength and courage to offer forgiveness to others so they might also experience your power and see the glory of your eternal kingdom.

1 comment

  1. L

    Each of these prayers was so good. This one particularly stood out:

    “Help us avoid the temptations of pride and spite by showing us each and every person before whom we must humble ourselves and freely offer forgiveness, thereby releasing them from the grip of guilt and shame.”

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